
Friday, August 6, 2021


I got to see my brother today!  (And his wife and her parents - which was a delight!) I never get to see my brother - I bet it's been at least eight years since we were in the same room together, which is way too long! It was wonderful to catch up. I wish we lived closer so we could do it more often. 

Ooooh, maybe now that my kids need to log their driving hours, we just might need to take a trip down to Columbus. One kid could drive down, the other could drive back and both could earn seven of their 50 required driving hours. I'm going to have to think about this one.


  1. haha, how else will they log their miles? Driving the beautiful new ambulance? :) Does that mean you have to go off island to practice? that sounds like work!

  2. We will have to go to the mainland to practice! I think the biggest issue will be getting their nigh driving hours - 10 of them. We are almost never on the mainland at night, and when we are we're usually busy!


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