
Saturday, July 4, 2020

Independance Day 2020

Happy Independence Day from Mackinac Island! I snapped this picture of Market Street Inn yesterday when I was in town. Downtown has been absolutely packed lately. Only about 50% of the people are wearing masks and social distancing is impossible while walking on the sidewalks, so I'm steering clear of town whenever I can. (I get that masks are hot and it's impossible to wear one and eat ice cream at the same time, but come on people!) Since we are trying to avoid the throngs of people, we are also skipping the fireworks tonight.  My husband will be able to watch from out on the Rescue Boat while they enforce the "safety zone" around the fireworks barge. I'm quite certain he'll be too busy to stop to take pictures for me. So instead, I'll share this picture of the Island's fireworks I took back in 2017.

The only fireworks I will be seeing this year are the ones on my mask when I venture into town. Missing the fireworks makes me sad but getting sick would make me sadder, so I've made my peace with it. The kids don't know it yet, but we're going to celebrate tonight with homemade ice cream and the 1990s classic movie Independence Day.  What are you doing to celebrate this year?


  1. I have been wondering how things were up there this summer. Sure would like to visit, but from what you wrote, it doesn't seem wise to plan a visit this summer. Will have to be content to enjoy your posts and pictures for the time being. Stay safe and well!

  2. I do think it is a good summer to stay home. The island planned for abut 50% capacity and we've had normal July amounts of tourists. Some of them wear masks, and others get quite testy when politely reminded that the city has mandated that masks be worn inside all businesses. If I lived downstate, I think I would save my visit for next summer...

  3. We are planning on visiting around Sept. 14th. Hopefully the crowds will be less because school will have started by then, in whatever form it takes...

    Thanks for your comments, and thanks for the fudge article also.


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