
Friday, June 20, 2014

Mackinac Must Have: Rain Gear

Summer in Northern Michigan means occasional rain. It's just a fact of life. Some days it might be a quick passing thunderstorm, but other days we have all day soaking rains; either way being prepared is important. In fact, this time of year, we pretty much never leave the house without stuffing our rain gear into a backpack first.

With no cars on Mackinac, we're often  out in the elements. Umbrellas are nice when you're walking,  but not very practical while riding a bike. For the kids I love LL Bean rain gear. Both kids wear it in the spring and well into the fall with a fleece underneath. (I took that picture just a day or two ago - yes, it was so chilly that we needed mittens in June!)

So, if you happen to be coming to Mackinac Island this summer, take my advice and throw your raincoat  (or an umbrella) into your bag. It's true, you may not need it, but if you hit the island on one of the wetter days, you'll be glad you have it. Especially if you happen to be riding a rental bike around the island and are three miles from town...

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