
Thursday, June 12, 2014


Has it ever hit you that you never blogged about something important to you? Believe it or not, I never seemed to post about the quilt I made for Craft Hope. (If you've never checked out Craft Hope, you should.) My friend, Maggie, and I participated  in Project Five - we each made a quilt for Margaret's Hope Chest. The photos I took of the quilt I made for the project didn't turn out, so I never posted about it.

Thankfully M.H.C. took photos of all the quilts they received! (The complete set of photos can be found here.) M.H.C. specifically asked for boy quilts so when I saw that football fabric I just had to get it. So anyway, Maggie bought the Craft Hope book for herself and emailed me telling me that I had to get myself a copy. Now I know why! My quilt is in two photographs in the book. I know I just contributed a teeny tiny part to the project, but it was really exciting to see my quilt in the book. It has me wondering if the little boy pictured with it is the one who actually got it...

This photo was taken by Lynne Harty and is owned by Lark Crafts,
A Division of Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet....he looks pretty happy in the photo! Good job!


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