
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Winter Sun Dog

Yesterday, after school, the kids and I were treated to a beautiful sun dog while we ran to Doud's to pick up a few things. I haven't seen one in a long time. We saw a nice one back in 2008  and another one in 2009, but nothing lately.

Of course, the only camera I had with me was my cell phone, which doesn't take the best pictures. Since I've had my phone, I've gotten lazy. I use to carry my good camera with me pretty much everywhere I went. I need to get back into that habit...


  1. I never knew there was a name for that (sun dog). Thanks for the lesson, and the pics are beautiful. :)

  2. Love following island life through your camera!

  3. I took a picture of one at the end of January (also with my phone camera :) ) but I had no idea what it was called until now!


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