
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Off the Couch

I decided to think of today as a gift; an extra  10 hours I wouldn't ordinarily have had. I often feel like there aren't enough hours in the day, so it made sense to me to use my extra time to get stuff done.

We started the day with homework. Well, actually we started with  pancakes, but then it was on to spelling. It made sense to me to get homework out of the way right off the bat. While the kids finished up their work, I tackled the Christmas tree. I don't love artificial trees, but it has simplified things for us. This morning I managed to take off all the ornaments, pack them away, and  dismantle the tree.

Somehow I also managed to process and felt two batches of wool sweaters and to wash, dry and fold two loads of laundry.

Then, since I still had energy left I went around and completely de-christmased the house. I packed everything away and carried all the tubs down to the basement. I even sorted through the decorations and pulled out a bag to toss and a bag to take to Goodwill the next time I'm on the mainland.

Right after lunch, my daughter, her friend and I built a fort in the living room. The boys were too busy with Minecraft while we built, but once it was up, they couldn't keep away. I mean, who can resist a fort?

The kids forted for a while and then they settled down to watch Enchanted, which, by the way, is cuter than I anticipated. While the kids watched, I popped upstairs, measured and pinned, and then came back and hemmed a pair of pants while we watched the movie. 

Since I wasn't dead on my feet yet, I thought I'd start on some dinner. Vegetable soup and honey buns -

 yum. But now, I'm bushed. It feels good to have all the Christmas decorations put away, the laundry done and my pants ready to wear, but I think I'm ready for bed...

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! That was quite the energetic snow day!! love the fort.


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