
Monday, January 6, 2014


It's mighty cold in these parts; delightfully cold. Sure the wind chill was -25 (about -30 C) this afternoon and my cheeks and thumbs hurt when I got off the snowmobile after school, but those frigid temperatures are forming an ice bridge, and caused this note to go home today.

"Snow days" on Mackinac are few and far between, so this was an unexpected surprise. (The wind chills tomorrow are supposed to be in the -30s.) 

Tomorrow is like an extra day in my week. Luckily I have a rather long "to do" list, but then again I may not get off the couch...


  1. We rarely get snow days as well.... I'm thinking for different reasons though! ;-) Stay warm!

  2. We actually got a snow day today too! Our district is usually one of the last, if ever, to close. But with -29 windchill I guess they figured safety first! :) My husband shoveled about 18 inches of snow in our driveway today! If feels like we live in the arctic! Stay warm and safe! :)

  3. Thought you'd like this activity for S and K on Tuesday. I know first hand you have an overabundance of the raw materials for this...

  4. I have thought about the island a lot the past few chilly days. It reminds me of my first winter on the island, a cold winter with an amazing ice bridge. You should have an ice bridge soon with all the freezing cold temps. Enjoy your day off, I don't remember that happening too much.


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