
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Christmas Bazaar 2012

This past weekend was a busy one - the kids, my mom and I spent lots of time down at the Island's annual Christmas Bazaar. So much to do, so little time...

The weather didn't really cooperate with us over the weekend and we lost all of our snow, but everyone had a good attitude and rode bikes to and from Community Hall.

As usual, the Bazaar had something for everyone: food, friends, treasures for sale, baked goods, auctions... 

the rummage sale (held in the fire hall,) 

and of course, Santa! By the time he reaches Mackinac Island, the reindeer need a rest. They kick back at the stables with their horse friends while the fire department makes sure Santa arrives at the Bazaar on time.

The kids love going outside, listening to the sirens and watching him climb down from the truck.

This year, for the first time, my daughter wanted to take a list with her. She wanted to be sure she didn't forget anything.  So, of course, the older brother had to take a list, too. Hopefully they won't be too disappointed when they don't find ipods in the bottom of their stockings. (My daughter won't find the $100 bill that was on her list either.)

You may remember a few years ago when HGTV came to the island to film the Christmas Bazaar.  This year Under the Radar Michigan was here. (The episode should air on PBS on April 6, 2013.) We didn't see them filming, so I doubt either the kids or I will be in it. Now, I need to crash - it's Tuesday and I'm still beat. Christmas Bazaar weekend is usually so crazy busy, that I feel like I need an additional weekend to recuperate!

How about you, what did you do this weekend?


  1. This makes me want to visit Mackinac in the winter. The island looks so festive!

  2. What a lovely looking time. Looks warm, too!

    I was at a craft fair my Mum was volunteering at, I do so love craft fairs!

  3. I REALLY want to visit for the Christmas Bazaar one year. Maybe next year, and maybe I will put $100 bill on my list for Santa too. :)
    This weekend I had a surprise "50th" birthday party for my hubby. We had a blast!

  4. I'm glad you and your family had fun even without the snow - that will come soon enough I'm sure :-) We put up some Christmas decorations this past weekend- no snow here either but it looks like it will be coming in the next week.
    Happy Wednesday!!

  5. I love holiday bazaars. Santa arrives on a fire truck here in our little part of Utah too!

  6. On my list of things I want to do someday!! I saw that Under the Radar was going up there, and I asked them if I could ride along. Too bad I was too late for the ride. LOL.


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