
Monday, August 20, 2012

Who Needs Stray Dogs

Yesterday, while we were sitting at the breakfast table we heard noises coming from the empty lot across the street. It sounded like something was traipsing through the woods - something big. Little did we know a fence had broken nearby and we were soon going to have some company...

some rather large company. The next thing we knew these two Belgian draft horses came walking out of the woods. Over the course of about 30 minutes a total of six horses decided they wanted to take a little walk through the neighborhood.

So we made a phone call or two to let the owners know the horses were loose and sat back to watch. Watching them was kind of fun. They stuck pretty close together; if one decided to head off in one way or another, the group followed. They just  moseyed  up and down the street munching on shrubs and grass as they walked. Before too long Joe arrived to walk them back to the barn and the excitement was over.

Only on Mackinac...


  1. Awesome! Doesn't look like we are going to make it up this year. Next summer I guess. :(

  2. beautiful horses, glad they made it back home safely

  3. LOL - they are just so gorgeous, aren't they?

  4. We had a bull go wandering down Main Street a couple months ago! Now that was a shocker! I can't imagine where HE came from, LOL! And I live in the suburbs, haha!

  5. How exciting! We have had stray deer in our back yard but never stray horses :-) Happy Thursday!!


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