
Friday, August 17, 2012

Excursion: Kitch-iti-kipi

Come on, we're heading on a mystery trip. You'll come with us, won't you?

Kitch-iti-kipi, inside Palms Brook State Park is a pretty cool place. You can go out on the observation raft and look through the open bottom into the spring.

It's hard to believe 10,000 gallons (about 630 liters) flow into the spring every second!

The kids thought it looked like there were little volcanoes all over the bottom and it was really cool. It's not my video, but it gives a much better idea of what it actually looks like.

If you happen to be in the Manistique  area, Palms Brook State Park is worth a stop.

And now for a request:

I've been having some issues with Blogger lately, specifically positioning photos and getting them to appear where I want them to in my posts. I'm having to play around with justifying my photos. For some reason horizontal ones have to be left justified in order for the entire photo to appear. The posts look OK when I view them on my laptop, but I'm wondering about other devices.  I've played around with a few here, but I can't try everything, so if things look a bit off, would you let me know? Thanks!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We've been there! A few years ago when our kids were younger. Very cool!

    It all looks good to me on my desktop monitor.

  3. Very cool trip!
    Everything (including the photos) all look good on my end!

  4. that water is incredibly it cold?! Your pics are looking great....can't tell there are any issues on this end.


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