Monday, March 19, 2012

Looking Back

This was the sight outside my classroom window back in February. This freighter was stuck in the ice and patiently waiting for the Coast Guard cutter to come break her free. I don't know what time she got stuck, but our custodian arrived at school at 4:15 am and watched the crew use the search light to try to find a path through the ice. I snapped this picture at about 7:20 - after it was light enough to get a decent shot. By about 10:00 she was free and back on her way.

In a month we've gone from stuck freighters to almost 60 degree (about 15 C) days. I'm still in awe of this winter's weather; talk about crazy! To go from a day like the one pictured above to this weekend with almost 60 degree (about 15 C) days. I never would have imagined that we would be out in short sleeves on Mackinac Island in mid-March!

I might not have imagined it, but I am enjoying it...


Allie said...

It's going to be 80 in Detroit tomorrow...can you believe it! Enjoy!

Heidi said...

I know! So strange! It's been in the mid 70's here for a week! Still hoping it doesn't snow and kill off all of the blooms that are sprouting!

Anonymous said...
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susan said...

we had two weeks in the 80s and its messed everything up.
lilacs dieing
sugar maples ran to soon to little
my garlic is up and now i am afraid for it
all the spring flowers are struggling
the only happy ones are the robins, the ground was nice and soft for them to get at all those nice fat worms
well, it is always an adventure, i'll tell ya that :-)
just hope it all works out, sure don't want to loose my garlic.