
Thursday, March 20, 2008

Lilly's Thistle

I have a tea cup collection. I guess it isn't really my tea cup collection, I inherited it from my Grandma Lilly. It was one of those things that I just couldn't bear to let go when she passed away, so I kept it. When I read that everyone was sharing "Tea Cup Stories" over at Gracious Hospitality this week, I knew I had to participate.

Of all the cups my grandma collected, this one is my favorite. Trust me - she was a collector. Every time she and my Grandpa took a trip, she came home with a cup. I have cups from colleges, coronations, and practically every china company I have ever heard of (and a few I haven't.) I even have one stamped "Made in Occupied Japan." As cool and interesting as all those are, this is the cup I love. It just reminds me of her. She was born in Scotland and came over to the United States when she was only seven years old. (My dad still has her papers from Ellis Island.) Being very Scottish, she always loved thistles. Looking at this pretty little thistle cup makes me think of her; her long painted fingernails, her perfect hair (that I discovered was a wig, quite by accident, when I was about 12,) how she couldn't straighten out her little finger on one hand, and the dinners we use to share a t Big Boy every time she and Grandpa came from Florida to visit. Ah, the good old days... I hope my daughter loves these cups as much as I do, though she'll probably fall in love with a different one. I'm glad she'll have a special connection with her Great-Grandmother.


  1. Your teacup is beautiful --- and the way the light reflects upon it gives it a dreamy, Scottish 'feel'. I enjoyed the story about your Grandma. I think it's neat the she collected teacups from all her trips. And I'm sure she would be very proud that you are cherishing her beloved collection. Thank you for sharing your memories and for joining in the Gracious Hospital-i-Tea blog-a-thon. It's nice to have you on board.


  2. What an exquitsite teacup with the lovely thistles. It's great to have special things that send out reminders of that special someone in our lives.
    How did you discover Grandma's wig? :-)

  3. Grandma and Grandpa were staying with my brother and I while my parents were out of town. My grandparents thought I had already gone to bed, but I got up to go say goodnight again and get more snuggles. And there on the dresser, looking just as perfect as it did on her head, was Grandma's hair. I knew better than to say anything... Unfortunately I didn't know better about telling my ten year-old brother. The next day he asked Grandma about it on our way to Big Boy. She was not happy...

  4. Isn't it amazing how a special object can evoke so many memories? I'm sure your fondness for the tea cups will endear them to K. Maybe when she's a bit older, you can have tea parties with her, so that she has special memories of the cups with you!

  5. Oh I love your thistle cup and saucer. It looks like it's Royal Albert. I so love Great Britain. How fun to have these sweet memories of your grandma. Enjoy...

  6. What a beautiful cup and how wonderful that it has such strong ties to your dear grandmother.

  7. That is very sweet. It's great that you are "writing" those memories down for generations to enjoy.

  8. That is one gorgeous teacup! You and Sandi from Holding Patterns have a similar history with your Scottish grandmothers...

    I'm sure that your daughter will love the teacup collection.

  9. a nice post, a pretty cup... you'll have to share more of the collection sometime.


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