
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Antibiotics Are a Beautiful Thing... When You Can Get Them

It turns out it was a very good thing we celebrated St. Patrick's Day on Sunday since I left work early on Monday. Where did I go, you ask? To the Medical Center because it seems I have quite the ear infection.

The doctor wrote me a prescription for antibiotics. Which she faxed over to the pharmacy on the mainland, who then sends the Rx through the mail. (The island has no pharmacy.) Sounds great, right? Through rain and sleet and hail the mail must get through, right? Not when your mail delivery relies on an airplane that can't fly or land in foggy weather. Due to that foggy weather, we had no mail yesterday. (Grumble grumble.) Luckily our nurse, M, sent me home with a small supply of antibiotics just to be safe. (Thank you M!) And she was kind enough to not give me funny looks when I was taking pictures in the waiting room. I took my last pill at noon as I was crossing my fingers and hoping the mail flew over today. Thankfully a little Bay Pharmacy package was in my mailbox when I stopped at the post office on my way home from school.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you feel better soon! I have a friend who lives in the San Juan Islands and shares similar "needs" when it comes to getting things from the mainland!

    Get well!


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