
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

D is for Decapitated

Our friend is in the hospital with nasty pockets of anaerobic bacteria in one of her lungs, so to help her out, we have her dog - Rusty. He's a great dog, BUT he has a habit of taking the kid's toys out of the toy box and destroying them; like beyond repair destroying them. The other day he helped himself to K's beloved Cookie Monster. My husband only had his backed turned for a minute and the next thing he knew Cookie was decapitated, a paraplegic, and full of holes. I would love to have crime scene photos for you (since there was stuffing and bits of blue fur EVERYWHERE,) but A cleaned it up before K could see it. (Which is a good thing since she is so two right now.) Anyway, poor Cookie was basically beyond repair. So what do you do when one of your child's two favorite things in the entire world has been ripped to shreds? I was at a loss. Cookie had been a gift and I had no idea where he came from. So, I hid the evidence in my sewing room with the intent of trying to fix him when I had some time.

The next day I crossed the ice and happened to stop in my favorite thrift shop. As I walked into the kid's section, the clouds parted and beams of light shown down from heaven. I could hear the Muppets singing - hallelujah! There, on the top of the stuffed animal bin, sat a perfect Cookie Monster. (And there was much rejoicing.) K is now happy as a clam walking around with Cookie in her little pink stroller and all is right with the world.


  1. Wow, the heavens were smiling on you! We've (knock on wood) never lost a Very Important Object yet.

  2. I LOVE happy endings :), especially when 2 year olds are involved!

  3. Wow, LUCKY LUCKY find! Our dumb dog has the same love of stuffies, to the point my dd has built a shelf and stored every one of hers up high above the window. He still manages to find stuff to shred, though. :eyeroll:

    And I am just loving the concept of crossing the ice. So cool. :p


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