
Sunday, March 9, 2008

C is for Hamburger?

Because they are made out of COOKIES! (Now, you have to imagine me saying that in my best Cookie Monster voice. It is much better that way.)

And they were so easy to make, too. All you need are vanilla wafers, York peppermint patties, yellow frosting mustard, green coconut lettuce, red frosting ketchup, and some sesame seeds. (Follow this link for the recipe and tutorial.) My husband found it a few days ago and has been dying to make them with the kids, so when I crossed the ice on Saturday (more on that story another day,) he asked me to pick up the supplies. S love making them! K on the other hand, wasn't so sure. She did NOT like getting the frosting on her hands one bit. To the point that she didn't even want to eat one for fear of getting her hands all sticky.

Afterwards, S and I hopped on the snowmobile and went out making deliveries to a few friends in the neighborhood. S loved passing them out to people. He would hand them the plate and then say, "We made these for you," with a huge smile on his face. I'm not sure which he enjoyed the most, eating them of giving them away. I'm glad we went to pass them out. It is important to me that he grows up thinking that we should do nice things for other people just because we can.


  1. Those look like GREAT fun! We just might try it. In fact, I have the tutorial printing out now. How long did it take to make them?

  2. those are so stinking cute!
    they would be so fun for a party...
    which coincidently i am throwing for both my kids soon...
    it goes into the idea file for sure

  3. It probably took my husband about 5 minutes to dye the coconut and the frosting. Then maybe about 15 minutes to actually put them together (with a two and a three year-old.)

  4. These cookies are just too cute to resist! Thanks for the recipe.

  5. Oh, these look like so much fun. I'm sure my little ones would enjoy making and eating these. Thanks for sharing this.


  6. Thanks for sharing. I made them with the 3 boys over the weekend. N was so funny and proud of his first masterpiece that he wouldn't eat it! We got past the "wouldn't eat" part! Fun and easy. You guys have great ideas!


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