
Saturday, November 11, 2023


You have no idea how much joy this picture brings me. This is one of my second grade students and the shirt she's wearing originally belonged to a girl named BD. (BD is currently in her last year of nursing school.) BD grew out of it and handed that shirt down to my daughter K, when K was about five. (K is currently a senior in high school.) K wore it until it no longer fit and then we handed the shirt down to AK. AK wore it and then passed it on to two sisters - both with the initials LP. They enjoyed the shirt until they handed it down to its current owner - my second grade student pictured above. 

Six girls have played and learned in that same shirt; and when it no longer fits its current owner, I'm sure it will move on to another little Island girl. I love that the Mackinac Island community works that way. 

Student photo used with permission.

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