
Friday, May 26, 2023


 Today you become a high school graduate.

The past 18 years have been a blur -
a loud, colorful, fabulous blur.

Weren't you five, like yesterday?

To some people, graduation is an end, but I see it as a beginning; your adult life begins tomorrow. You've got the intelligence, the drive, and the skills to shape that life into anything your heart desires. Focus on your goals and work toward achieving them, because the life you envision for yourself won't just happen; it has to be crafted. I know, you've got this...

Your dad and I will be here, if you need us, and trust me - you will still need us occasionally, and that's OK. If you don't need us, that's OK, too, but we'll still be here cheering you on.  Try to remember through all of the craziness of this weekend my tears aren't tears of sadness. Of course, I will miss you next year, but moving on is what you are supposed to do; I'm not in the least bit sad to see you go off to college. I'm thrilled at the thought of you heading off to Northern Michigan University. 

Know that we are incredibly proud of you and how hard you've worked to arrive at this moment.  And remember when I am crying, uncontrollably, don't worry about me; I'm just overwhelmed with feelings of pride, joy, and unconditional love for you.

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