
Saturday, September 10, 2022

Mackinac Challenge #17

One of the challenges of living on Mackinac Island is donating things to charity. My mom keeps a box at her house and as she finds things she no longer uses, she places them into the box. When it's full, she puts it in her car and drops it at one of the thrift shops in town (Goodwill, The Salvation Army, The Gold Mine or New Beginnings.) It's a snap for her to just drive up to the donation door and drop off the box while she is out and about running errands. 

For me, it isn't quite so easy. I have to get the box to the boat dock, which can be challenging when you are walking or riding a bike. And then I have to find the time to top in a day often filled to the brim with off Island appointments. So, generally the boxes just end up piled in the basement. This summer the pile hit critical mass; with 18 boxes (and bags) of unneeded stuff, it was time for it to go. 

We arranged for a dray to pick the boxes up and deliver them to the boat so I could drive down to donate them. The intake lady at New Beginnings smiled when I opened up the back of the van. "Is that all for donation?" she asked. She was a little worried that it was a bunch of leftovers from a garage sale at first, but as soon as I explained my situation she was happy to help me unload the car. I felt good as I drove away; it was a three way win: none of it went into a landfill, New Beginnings is a good cause, and it was finally out of my house. 

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