
Monday, January 10, 2022

You've Got to Be Kidding Me

Apparently 2022 didn't get the memo that things were supposed to improve. Sigh.... Right now our dryer is on the fritz, one of our snowmobiles isn't running, and since

Covid is going around on Mackinac, I have students in quarantine who have to zoom into class. I know by themselves none of those are big things, but lumped on top of everything else that is going on... it's just... a lot. 

I'm trying to be a trooper. I'm trying to see the silver linings. Logically, I know these are first world problems; we have enough clothes to get through a week or two without doing laundry; all my students have chrome books and an internet connection; we have a second snowmobile. I should just shut up and smile because I've got it pretty darn easy. But it just keeps getting harder to be upbeat and positive... 


  1. I feel your pain... Last summer we lost three appliances within two weeks. It can be a real pain in the neck. Life trudges on, with the appliances or not. I hope everything gets repaired, replaced in good time and the sun shines. Everything is better with sunshine.

  2. You're right - everything IS better with a little sunshine. I hope it is shining where you are today!!

  3. Haha, I was reding the comment (without looking at the name) and thought to myself, "Everything is better with sunshine..." That's something Marilyn would say. And lo, and behold! It WAS my Marilyn who left the comment. Liz, So sorry about your broken appliance and snowmobile. I like to put myself in a "camping" mindset when we have to do without things we're used to. At least it puts a bit of a fun spin on it all to try to master the challenge. Stay well! That's what's most important.


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