
Monday, January 3, 2022


Just after I left for school at 6:00 this morning my youngest was awakened by police lights shining in their bedroom window; the police were searching our street. Just a few minutes later the above was posted on Facebook. At 7:00 am, the superintendent put us on a delay and since Mr. Emotionally Agitated and Possibly Armed was still at large at 10:10, school was cancelled for the day. Thankfully the police located him later on in the afternoon without incident.

I'm looking at the silver lining of today; despite being armed he's OK and he didn't hurt anyone else. I'm incredibly thankful things worked out and everyone was safe. And since I was already at school when I was asked to remain indoors, I had almost six uninterrupted hours to work in my classroom. 

Please keep him and his family in your thoughts. I'm sure the next few days are going to be tough.

1 comment:

  1. This is a difficult time of year for so many. On top of a difficult 2021. I hope he gets better and thankful it was nothing worse. :) trapped in school with the kids at home...that was fun!


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