
Wednesday, June 9, 2021

A Lilac a Day, Day Nine

Lilacs, the lake and the lighthouse - pictures don't get much more "Mackinac" than that. I snapped this one on my way to the Post Office yesterday after school. 


  1. I am absolutely loving your lilac pics. I live in NJ and around here we mostly have dark purple lilacs that bloom for about a week. When the one by my enclosed front porch blooms, I throw open all the windows so I can enjoy it for the short time I smells heavenly! Thanks for sharing, Mackinac is on my wish list!

  2. I have loved the lilac pictures. Ours were frosted off this year. My husband and I married on the island during lilac festival so this is a special place in my heart. I love the smell and the colors and all of it!


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