
Thursday, February 11, 2021

On Again Off Again

When you live on Mackinac Island in the winter time, a trip to a dentist appointment requires a snowmobile ride to the airport, a quick flight to St. Ignace in a small plane, and finally a car ride to the appointment. Luckily the weather today was conducive to flying, and we got the opportunity to check out the Straits from the air.

Of course, since we were on the mainland, a trip to the grocery store was also a necessity.  A one-way flight costs $35.00 per person and that includes 50 pounds (about 22 kg) of freight.


  1. Do they actually weigh the freight, or eyeball it based on the number of grocery bags or totes?

  2. Unless it is clearly under 50 lbs, like just a backpack or something, they weigh it.

  3. and you might as well get full value for the ticket, I would. I know there is plane safety involved in the weight so I get that part but do they require a suitcase/box, or can you just heave in your grocery bags?

  4. I've never tried to use just plastic grocery bags... I'm sure they would transport them. We always pack out stuff in totes - the plastic ones people use to store stuff in their basement. It makes keeping track of your stuff a lot easier.


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