
Thursday, January 21, 2021

Gratitude: January 21st

Tomorrow is the last day of our school's first semester - making this week finals week. Ugh. I think we can all agree, no one loves finals week. (My freshman and sophomore would argue it is the bane of their existance.)

Today, I wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for my children's teachers. Teaching can be a thankless job, but I want these teachers to know how important they are in the lives of my children. (Well, important in my eyes.) Without their effort and dedication, the first semester of the 2020-2021 school year could've been a disaster. 

But it wasn't.

We were in person, then online, and then back in person, but the high school staff kept the learning going. As a teacher myself, I have high expectations; I know what good teaching looks like and I saw it this semester. I saw teachers go out of their way to help my kids, who were struggling with quarantine and learning at home; and those same teachers worked diligently to keep me informed about what was going on. Had they not, that possible disaster would have been a reality. I am grateful for the hours they put in to help ensure my children have a bright future. 

Mr. Neville, Ms. Ellithorpe, Miss May, Mr. Greenlee, Mrs. Niner, and Mr. Duncan, thank you.

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