
Monday, September 7, 2020

Back to School

It's hard to believe it's been 178 days since we left school (on Friday the 13th no less.) Tomorrow we'll be back at it, in person, and I'm glad to be going back.

My classroom is ready to welcome the kids I have the privilege of  working with this year. My tables are set up for socially distanced lessons, with lots of space and plexiglass between students. Our entire elementary, K-6, is only 17 students, so we're able to do some things larger schools just can't.

Tomorrow will be my 28th first day of school, in the classroom I love, with kids I can't wait to get to know better. I know this year isn't going to look like the past 27 years, and it's going to everyone a while to adjust to this "new normal," but I feel confident. We've got strict protocols in place and the entire staff at MIPS is going to work tirelessly to keep all the Island's children safe, healthy and learning.

1 comment:

  1. It is very reassuring to see the obvious care for the kids shown in the pictures.


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