
Sunday, July 19, 2020

Crazy Chicken Lady

We got the chickens back considerably later than usual this year, due to the Covid-19 lock down. I didn't realize just how much I missed having them around until we got them back in June.  Then, the kids and I picked up a few new feathered friends up in Dafter. (They are buff orpingtons with the fluffiest little backsides you've ever seen!)  They're growing fast and I think they like me. That, or they've realized I'm the one who brings the treats. Either way, they're a hoot. I enjoy my visits with them, at least I will, until I get pooped on...

We've been getting two to five eggs every day from our older girls - which is great. It's enough for us and the neighbors,  leaving a few to preserve for the winter (when the girls head back to our friend's house in Cheboygan.) If you're curious, we're preserving the eggs using lime water. We'll see how it goes. It's kind of an experiment at this point. Two years ago I froze 15 dozen to get us through the winter, but they took up a lot of freezer space. I'm excited about the lime water method since it will free up the freezer space for other things. I'll let you know how it goes.


  1. My mom always used to talk about Mrs. Buff Orpington on an old radio show. Didn't realize till much later how silly it was to have a character by that name.


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