
Saturday, May 23, 2020


I'm not a big cook. I don't really enjoy it; to me it is more chore than fun. It just takes so much... time. Well, time is something I have in abundance these days, so I've gotten more adventurous in the kitchen lately. So, I present to you, drum roll please...

Moroccan beef and vegetables served on homemade Naan bread. 

Delicious, if I do say so myself. But it's bread, and I pretty much love any and all breads, so it wasn't a hard sell. Nor was it hard to make. You'll find the meat recipe here and the Naan recipe here

I've made these twice now and my Naan turned out much better the second time. The secret was to let the dough rest (in a bowl covered with plastic wrap) for a few hours. It turned out much better than the batch I cooked right away.

I think quarantine has gotten to me and I've officially lost my mind; the footstool talks to me, the pasties were happy to be eaten, and now the Naan seems to be smiling at me. It may be time to go out for a walk.


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