
Monday, January 27, 2020

Who Would've Thought

Hands down my kids' favorite vegetables these days is Brussels sprouts. Which, by the way, I always thought were called Brussel sprouts not Brussels sprouts, but I was wrong. And then there's the question of why no does Brussels not have an apostrophe, but I digress. Anyway...

My kids love them. Like, love them enough to ask to have them for dinner. That said, they have to be roasted Brussels sprouts.  They asked my mom to make them once and forgot to specify the roasted part, and my mom boiled them. Talk about two unhappy teenagers. I think the word "ruined" may have been used to describe them, and as you can imagine, grandma did not appreciate that commentary on her cooking. For the record, she happens to love Brussels sprouts; boiled with lots and lots of butter. 

So, if you are looking for something new to try with your kids, give these a whirl. You might be as surprised as I was. And even if your kids aren't into them, you might be...

Roasted Brussels Sprouts

You'll need: 
  • About 1.5 pounds fresh Brussels sprouts (I use two mesh bags from Meijer to feed 4.)
  • Olive oil, maybe a tablespoon or two
  • Salt and pepper, OR your favorite spice blend (I like this one.)
What to do:
  1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F (about 205 degrees C.)
  2. Cover your cookie sheet or baking dish with foil for easy clean-up. (This is optional.)
  3. Peel off any outer leaves that look brown or wilty.
  4. Cut the bottom end bit off each sprout.
  5. Slice each one in half lengthwise. If they are bigger than a gold ball, quarter them. If they are tiny, you can leave them whole.
  6. Toss  the sprouts with a tablespoon or two of olive oil.  Use just enough to coat them. 
  7. Spread in a single layer on a cookie sheet or in a large baking dish.
  8. Sprinkle on your spices.
  9. Roast for 25 minutes or until they are slightly browned on the outside and tender in the center. (My daughter loves the blackened crunchy bits the best.)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks , now I know what my nephew means.. I boiled then roasted them . Not what he wanted. :)


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