
Saturday, August 10, 2019

Absolute Pleasure

Get settled in your super comfy, reclining movie seat, 

make sure your family is close by (so you can explain what is going on - because you know you're going to have some 'splaining to do)

and smile at the couple hundred other people ready to have a great time at the:

Reykjavik Pride Rocky Horror Sing-Along  Friday Night Party Screening!  It makes me giggle that, in Icelandic, Fridaynightpartyscreening is all one word.

I mean, how could we not go???  Rocky Horror. In a theater. At 8:00 pm. In Iceland. It was a no brainer!

None of the Icelanders in the audience shouted out during the movie, so I wonder if that is an American thing. I bit my tongue. A lot. But there were a few places where I just couldn't keep my big-American-mouth shut.  Dammit.

In case you're curious, in Iceland Rocky Horror is rated 12+. It was shown in English with Icelandic subtitles.

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