
Wednesday, August 1, 2018


My neighbor has a sizeable raspberry patch in his yard. A raspberry patch he waters all summer. He and I have an arrangement - he grows the berries, I make the jam and everybody's happy.  Mackinac Island raspberries are delicious, by the way.

Yesterday I was over at his house, elbow deep in the bushes and I came across this little fellow. As I picked, I watched him climb up the stem, out onto the leaf, and then hang in the "J" shape. Such a nice surprise - so much nicer than the wasps hanging out in the raspberry patch. (Apparently they've decided raspberries make a nice mid-afternoon snack.) I don't mind sharing with the monarchs, but wasps aren't my favorite. Luckily, I was careful and I didn't get stung...


  1. Sounds like you have a yummy arrangement. Homemade is always the best!

  2. Love your blog. Your friend Jane Carr recommeded I check it out. Happy Blogging.


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