
Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Thrifting in Amsterdam

Amsterdam has a thriving second hand market - you just have to know where to look. We found a number of high-end vintage stores, the more every day thrift-type shop, and a flea market. The Kilo Store is similar to a Goodwill  store in the US - except everything was sold by the kilogram. Several thrift shops did not allow photography inside - even if you made a purchase.

In the Kilo Store, everything was color coded -

just put your item or items on the scale, 
and then punch in the color to get the price.

We found prices for new clothing Amsterdam to be high (by our standards.) €150.00 (about $175.00) for a women's shirt or summer dress was not uncommon. Given such high prices, the high (again, by northern Michigan standards) prices in the second-hand shops shouldn't have surprised us. Shirts ran in the €15 range, while sweaters were in the €25 to €30 range. The cheapest clothing, by far, was at the Waterlooplein Flea Market. S found a long sleeve denim shirt he wanted, and since we've got a washer and dryer in the house, we picked it up for €4.00 (about $4.50.) One booth even had used lederhosen. Lucky for Allen there was nothing in his size!

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