
Sunday, July 1, 2018

Bloemenmarkt (Floating Flower Market)

The Floating Flower Market really does float. It's been open since 1862, but now all the little shops are on concrete houseboat bases. It's beautiful - one of those places you've got to bring your camera.

Every sort of flower imaginable is available.

I would have loved to bring a few peonies home. Unfortunately, only flowers with a  health certificate for the US and Canada are allowed back into the country. So, I just had to drool.

I drooled over the unending tulip bulbs, too. Unfortunately, the crop that will have the necessary certificate is still a week or two away.

K fell in love with these small wooden tulips. Since we couldn't get the real thing, she decided a few of these would look good in her bedroom. At €1.00 each we couldn't resist. 

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