
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Time to Celebrate

Last night the kids and I had a wonderful time at the Mackinac Island Community Foundation's Community Celebration. They hold it every summer and this year it was up at Turtle Park. Several Island businesses provided great food and it was a wonderful time to stop and chat with folks.

Both S and K had a blast running and playing frisbee on the skate ramps. I've never actually seen someone skateboard on them, but there is always some imaginative game going on in there. The kids love Turtle Park; we're so thankful it's just around the corner.

Every summer at the Celebration MICF has giveaways to thank the Island community for its support.  The kids aren't really aware of the the things MICF does for Mackinac Island (scholarships, grants, etc.), they were just happy to find out who won bicycles, pizzas and ice cream last night. S was thrilled to learn there was a trip to Sadie's in our future. 

You should check to see if you have a community foundation in your area. You may be surprised to find out all they do.

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