
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Oh Christmas Cat

Our cat, Minnie, has decided the Christmas tree is a special climbing toy we put up just for her. Then again, she thinks just about everything in our house is a play thing just for her. She's so adorable yet so incredibly frustrating...

1 comment:

  1. Aww, what a little stinker, LOL! Is this her first Christmas with you? How old is she? After our sweet Oreo passed on in March, I didn't think we'd ever have another kitty. But in September, we welcomed Katarina into our home. I was worried about the tree, with this being her first Christmas with us. But she hasn't once tried to climb or mess with the tree! Her favorite thing to do is curl up under the tree on the fleece tree skirt and sleep on top of her stocking. :) Hopefully over time, Minnie's fascination with climbing will lessen, haha!


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