
Sunday, March 23, 2014


My daughter has been pestering asking me for some time now to share the projects she and her brother made with their dad over Christmas vacation. Now that we are less than a week away from spring break - It's time.

He taught them about electric circuits,

and how to solder. 

I was surprised just how complicated these little trees turned out to be.

The kids were very proud to show me their little blinking trees and then to teach Mama all about resisters, LEDs and jumpers. 

I'm still surprised my daughter asked me to pack her tree away with the Christmas decorations.  It's going to be fun to watch her face light up when we get it out again next year...

Get your own tree kit here. They're out of stock now, but I bet they'll have them again next fall.


  1. NICE! I think I know some boys who would love doing that with their uncle. Tell her I'm still in my jammies and it's NOON!

  2. WOW! And I thought it was an accomplishment when we strung popcorn when my boys were little, LOL! These are awesome!


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