
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Art Rocks the Boat

With so many public schools across the nation cutting art and music programs, I am so glad that the Mackinac Island Public School isn't one of them.  Sure, the budget has been reduced, but my children (soon to be second and third graders) both participate in art and music. Which, by the way, they love! Miss M, who teaches the art and music classes at our school, is amazing - both of my children regularly come home very excited to tell me about the current art project, or singing one of the songs from the upcoming music program. In fact, I had heard quite enough of "Polar Puppy living at the North Pole. Santa's best friend living at the North Pole." Over and over again last Christmas. My old college roommates are laughing at this point insisting that it's Karma for me torturing them by playing the same Barenaked Ladies songs over and over again, but I digress...

One of the great things about Mackinac Island is the Mackinac Arts Council. Not only do they offer weekly movies and live concerts throughout the summer, but they work to raise money to supplement the budget at our school to insure that art and music classes for island kids continue. This year, one of the fundraising events was Art Rocks the Boat.

Just imagine a floating cocktail party aboard an Arnold Line "traditional ferry". There was food, drinks, and lots of great conversation. Supporting the arts was never so much fun...


  1. I was on the island during the time of this event! I was wondering why so many people were talking around the island all dressed up.

  2. That is awesome! As a mom of two boys in the marching band at our middle and high school (who also love art), it's refreshing to hear that other schools are working hard to keep music and arts in the school!

  3. I visited there for the first time this summer, i would love to live there! Need a teacher librarian?

  4. Looks like such a great event! I think it is awesome that art is being celebrated in such a way!


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