
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

 We had a lovely lunch today for Mother's Day
Can you tell where we went?

Grandpa took us all out to Grand Hotel for a lovely lunch. Outside the dining room all the diners were greeted with glasses of  champagne, and then as Grandpa went up to the desk to pay, the hostess asked, "Do you have any mothers with you today?"

"Yes. We have two;" he gestured to my mom and I.

"There is no charge for them today," said the hostess, "Happy Mother's Day from Grand Hotel." Such an unexpected surprise...

Of course the food was wonderful (as was the spending the afternoon with my parents.) And while they never have pecan balls on the lunch buffet, the desert table was fully stocked with all my other favorites: cheesecake, pecan pie, and gigantic super-sweet chocolate-covered strawberries. My mom says she thinks we should make this a family tradition, and I must say - I have to agree.

Does your family have any Mother's Day traditions?


  1. Bushboy and his dad have always made me dinner, tonight dad is working so Bushboy is cooking the recipe he just learned in foods class last week all on his own -- french toast and fresh fruit salad. So sweet.

    What a lovely gesture from the hotel!

  2. Go Grandpa! That sounded like a lovely day Liz. Glad you enjoyed time with your family (and had good desserts) for mother's day. We all went to my mom's after church, about 30 of us. We ate a lot, laughed a lot and just enjoyed being together. It was a great mother's day! :)

  3. Wonderful memory made. The pecan balls sound interesting, any idea what's in them?

  4. Yes. They are made from a scoop of vanilla ice cream that is rolled in pecans and sits in a bed of fudge sauce. They are delicious!


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