
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Home Again... Finally!

A couple of weeks ago all of Mackinac's elementary school teachers spent the weekend at the Michigan reading Association's annual conference down in Grand Rapids. The conference was great, but getting home didn't work out quite so well. (If you enlarge that photo above you can read the warning sign for the Mackinac Bridge.)

We'd heard it was foggy in the Straits, but when we hit the Mackinac Bridge we knew we weren't going anywhere.

It was so foggy we still couldn't fly
over to the island Monday morning.

Or Monday afternoon.
Or Monday night.
Or Tuesday morning.
(Thank goodness I packed extra undies!)

Finally, by mid-day on Tuesday, there was a break in the weather and we were able to hop on a plane to get back to the island. I've got to say, it never felt so good to be home!


  1. Ah, the island life! Out here it's usually wind that shuts everything down, although fog has been known to do its part. To be fair, the rest of the province can get shut down by massive snow storms, so I guess it's not just us island folk who have to contend with it. And I personally don't have to, as I only leave the island on average once every two to three years!

    Glad you're home safe and sound.

  2. Wow! What a journey! Glad you all made it home safe and sound...finally! You were just minutes away from me while you were in Grand Rapids! I live in Zeeland, right off the highway and it takes me literally 12 minutes to get to Grand Rapids. We attend church there! :)


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