
Monday, February 4, 2013


Today was the day. It was cold, still and beautiful, and the ice had been freezing all weekend. All weekend...

72 hours...

Less than that really, but it was there...

Calling to them...

"Cross me."

It scares me just thinking about it. I think it scared them too, at least a little bit, because they left their snowmobiles behind and crossed on foot. I heard, through Mackinac's active rumor mill, they flew back to the island. Apparently when the Coast Guard Cutter came through to break up the channel between the Island and Mackinaw City, it caused the ice to pull away from shore and made a return trip impossible.

I'm glad they made it home safely. And extra extra glad my husband doesn't even think about doing things like that. If he did, I'd be so worried I couldn't think straight.


  1. We have enough water issues on this island with our rivers calling to people, luckily we haven't had any of these types of accidents on our frozen lakes and our ocean doesn't freeze.

    Nicely told little vignette.

  2. Oh my goodness, I'm glad that they're okay! I agree, if my husband, or anyone I knew, ever tried something like that, I would have an anxiety attack!

  3. After all the good neighbors you have lost over the years, you would think that they would be smarter than that. We have not had near enough Ice/cold to make that a safe passage.
    Sheila - Escanaba

  4. Liz I love your blog! I have been watching your blog on and off for years. I live vicariously through your blog of my dream of living on Mackinac Island. We live in Grand Rapids and visit every year. Never been to the island in the winter though!


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