
Sunday, November 4, 2012

More Fleecy Goodness

One day this past summer, I needed to stop at the fabric store. I try not to
drag,I mean take, my children into the fabric store because we all end up having a dreadful time. But on this particular day I was in desperate need of something and I wasn't going to be off the island again for a while, so we just had to stop. As we walked past the fleece to get to whatever it was that I needed, my daughter asked, "Will you make a me a kitty blanket? I love kitties."

I replied with a quick, "I don't know honey. Enough fleece to cover your whole bed would be expensive."

"But Mama, I only want a little blanket to snuggle with." And then she pointed to the big red sign and said, "I think it's on sale Mama. That 'S' word says sale, doesn't it?" How was I supposed to argue with that! So, of course, we left the store with 60 inches (a little more than two meters) of buttery soft kitty fleece to make a little square blanket for her to snuggle with. When we got home I rounded the corners with a dinner plate and used my serger to finish around the edges.

We also picked out some fabric to match my son's bedroom. I mean, come on - I would have been in big trouble if he hadn't gotten him a blanket as well. It's been so chilly in the house this fall, I've been glad we have them. Fleece is no nice and cozy to snuggle under, don't you think...

1 comment:

  1. How funny, today I got asked to make a new pair of fleecy pants for Bushboy. He's wearing mine right now, although they are a little big for him. Kids do love fleece!


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