
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Best Year Ever

Two weeks? Really? We've been back at school for two weeks? I feel like I've blinked, and in the millisecond my eyes were closed, those weeks have whizzed by. Do you ever feel like that? I have clear memories of those weeks,  but I'm not sure where they went.  Then again, I kind of feel that way about my teaching career. This fall I started my 20th year. I have clear memories of those 20 years, but it certainly doesn't feel like 20 years. Guess I'm officially a "veteran" teacher now.

My school year is off to a pretty fantastic start, I've got to tell you. I'm teaching a combined 4th and 5th grade group this year and have the privilege of working with 13 of the most amazing kids I've ever met. They're going to achieve great things this year; I can feel it.

My two little ones are off to a great start as well. My daughter, pictured above, is so excited to go to school all day this year now that she's a big first grader. My son, now a second grader, has moved up into the 2nd-3rd grade classroom and is loving his new teacher...


  1. 20 years - wow congratulations Liz! Oh I love that pic of your daughter, and the Lake in the background - I really missed not making it up there this year. Enjoy your year!

  2. Congratulations Liz! You obviously love teaching and I am sure you are an awesome teacher. I bet your students love being in your class! And yes how time does go by so quickly. It doesn't seem like I should be turning 48 next week, with three grown children and four absolutely wonderful grandchildren..... :) Loving life!
    Hope you have a great weekend.
    p.s. your little girl looks so cute riding her bike. Sorry, I mean big girl! :)

  3. So happy that your school year is off to a great start (for all of you)!
    This year brings us closer to the end than the beginning of his school career, which I find odd.

  4. What fantastic clouds! Oh, my, I'm missing Mackinac. We were just talking about "our next trip" last night but not really knowing when that might be. Gotta get the boy on one of those tagalong bike seats next summer.

  5. yes, it is hard to believe that sept. is almost over...sure is getting mighty brisk outside these days. have had a few frosts but the garden is struggling along :-) transplanted three pepper plants and brought them into new "plant room". Mark did such a great job on both the front and back porches...the back one is all pine purgo...his boss gave him a truck load and even on walls in stairway down to basement even the ceiling, it looks great. hope all is well with you and family. take care and be well. xo


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