
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Alanson Riverfest

We spent the day here, enjoying their annual Riverfest celebration. We discovered Riverfest by accident a few years ago on our way to get groceries. As we were driving through town, the kids saw all the bounce houses and begged to stop. Now Riverfest is on the calendar and we try to stop every summer.

We just can't pass up the opportunity to bounce the afternoon away, but beating on your brother can be lots of fun, too.

The local scout troop had their Pinewood Derby track set up and invited the kids to give racing a try.

But if car racing wasn't up your alley, they also had minnow races.

Of course we couldn't leave without enjoying some deep fried food on a stick. I think it's a requirement at events like this.

I think the kids' favorite part of the day was the fishing. This was the first year we realized there was a kid's fishing pond behind this shop. The kids caught three rainbow trout, which was great. But the best part was the Young's guys gutted all three fish and even put them on ice for our drive home. Talk about fabulous!

For dinner tonight Allen deep fried fish sticks for the kids, and pan fried the remaining two fish for he and I. Oh my - it was good.

A darn good meal at the end of a darn good day.

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