
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Summer Fun

I'd like to introduce you the newest member of our family: my husband calls him "The Kid Wash."

The best part about him is that he's tall enough that the kids can ride their bicycles right through the delightfully chilly water to cool off on the really warm days we've been having.

I know 85 degrees (about 30 degrees C) may not seem hot to you, but on Mackinac Island, 85 is a hot day! Thank goodness our predicted high for today is 79 (about 26 degrees C)  - yahoo!


  1. Love it!

    What size holes did he use?


  2. That's awesome ..... can you ship one over here for our summer?

  3. The kid wash is fabulous!! And 30C is very hot here, so I understand!

  4. My husband isn't sure what size holes he used - he said he just grabbed the smallest drill bit he had handy.


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