
Sunday, March 11, 2012


My first pair of fingerless gloves...

I made them out of a felted sweater that just didn't get very thick after it felted. I suppose I could have thrown it in the washer again, but then you risk over felting it. I thought about tossing it into the scrap bin, but it was such a pretty blue - and I just loved the detail at the hem - I couldn't bear not to do something with it.

We'll see how much use I'll get out of them. My winter coat has a pair built right into the sleeves, so I certainly won't use them every day. But I did take them along to Sault Ste. Marie last week to see how I liked them for driving this time of year. This time of year during most years anyway, it's been so warm this year. Warm and weird - it was three degrees one day last week (about -16 C) and then it hit 50 the next day (about 10 C.)

I was heading up to the Soo to go to the ISD (EUPISD) for the last session of MMPI (Michigan Mathematics Program Improvement.) I've really enjoyed it. The whole idea has been to look at standardized test (MEAP) questions that Michigan 3rd - 8th graders consistently get wrong and then look at different ways to teach those concepts, so that hopefully, we can achieve better student understanding.

The best part is all of the PowerPoints and black line masters have been posted on line. If you're a teacher or you home school take a look here; there's some really good stuff! Some of it will make no sense because you weren't at the training, but you're bound to find something useful - everything is hands on and uses manipulatives. But I digress...

Anyway, driving with the fingerless gloves was great. I usually try to keep the car on the cool side (so I don't get drowsy) and my hands get cold. Driving with my mittens on is just cumbersome, but the fingerless gloves were perfect. My hands were warm enough and I could move my fingers to operate everything so I could drive safely. They worked so well, I just left them in the car...


  1. those are the colors on the cuff. Wonderful job of repurposing.

  2. Love those! You have a lovely blog, and I'm a new follower! ♥
    Anne :)

  3. Those gloves look rather elegant.. and how convenient to have your fingers free!


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