
Friday, January 27, 2012

The End

Saturday is it - after the 5:00 pm boat Arnold line is shutting down ferry service to Mackinac Island for the season. That means from now till spring, we'll have to fly to the mainland or cross the ice. With all the oddly warm weather we've been having, I doubt we'll have a good ice bridge this year. But that's OK. Not having an ice bridge some years makes you really appreciate having it when we do get one.

Luckily we've laid in supplies and my husband or I will still be able to fly to the mainland once a month or so to stock up. Plus, my parents rented an apartment on the island for the winter, so I know my mom will gladly bring groceries over with her when she pops in for a visit.

2 hrs. after initial post edited to add:

I happened to bump into our Police Chief tonight and he told me the boat will likely be done this evening. Apparently, the last boat spent two hours stuck in the ice  and finally had to call the U.S. Coast Guard to break the boat free. My parents are quite glad they decided to fly to the island today...


  1. Flying sounds alot better to me then out on the ice. So nice to have your parents there for a season!

  2. I can't believe you have any ice at all, lol - hasn't this been a strange winter!

  3. How nice that your folks will be there on the island with you. I bet your little ones are excited to have grandparents to spend time with in the snow...if you ever get any - we had some Sunday but today it's already in the 40's again.
    Happy Tuesday!!

  4. Hope someday I can experience the island during winter....always looks so peaceful in pictures!


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