
Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Christmas Wish

Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas is for Mackinac Island to look like this. This whole riding my bike in 20 degree weather thing is getting kind of old. A nice winter storm, that no one had to drive in, would be perfect.

Thank you, Santa, and drive safe!



  1. Hey Liz...
    Did you get your Christmas snow? We had zero here in Zeeland this year. It finally snowed here two days after Christmas, but the rain has washed it all away, just a few hours after it came. Just doesn't seem like Decemeber. I don't really mind the snow, since I work from home. I can't believe I'm saying it, but I'm actually "wanting" some at this point in December! ;)

  2. I saw on facebook that the fast boats were still running for New Years Eve? I was tempted to try and get the kids up there for New Years, but we will have to stay home. I hope you get some snow soon so you can get on your sleds!

  3. Did you end up getting snow for Christmas? We got some yesterday but that not for Christmas Eve or day. Happy New Year!!

  4. well, better late than...
    (doubt there would have been a "never")!!!
    congratulations on the snow, at least it happened during your Christmas Break :-)

    Tony H.
    Macon, GA

  5. That would be a beautiful view to wake up too...if you didn't have to go outside! We didn't have any snow for Christmas this year.


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