
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Midnight Visitor

A certain little boy in my house lost his very first tooth recently - just days before his seventh birthday. Thank goodness I could find this when I needed it! That poor bunny may have sat in my sewing room cupboard for nearly three years, but it was perfect. The tooth didn't get lost, and the tooth fairy told my son (in her note) that she loved it. She told him that she doesn't like it when she has to fly under the bed to find teeth that fall on the floor, and that she appreciated knowing she wouldn't never have to go searching for his.

At first a few of my son's friends were jealous that got a teeny tiny note from the tooth fairy in addition to the three dollars she left him. But as soon as he explained that he had left a note for her first, and she was just answering him, no one was too upset. In a town as small as ours, you've got to be careful about these things. Years ago one of the island kids found a $100 bill under her pillow after a visit from the tooth fairy. Needless to say, all the other island kids were really upset when the tooth fairy didn't leave hundreds for them too! As I remember, she got a large number of angry letters that year. I was sure glad I didn't have little ones then...

Do you have any interesting toothy traditions in your house?


  1. Aw, the first tooth!

    We have a tooth fairy pillow that my mum bought years ago for our son. He loves it, but the pocket is too small for notes. The tooth fairy around here is a big softie (bigger than me, that's for sure) and leaves $5 per tooth. We're now into the molars, two of which just had to get pulled out by the dentist as the adult molars were emerging over the dead teeth that just wouldn't fall out on their own.

    Wishing you an uneventful tooth falling out experience!

  2. I am about to do a blog post on this very topic. Wow. I just made him a pillow tonight because the first one is loose and probably due to fall out anytime. Best wishes and congrats.

  3. How sweet - I think I still have my boys' first teeth somewhere! Holy cow, $3? I gave my boys a quarter, lol. And a HUNDRED DOLLARS???? Can you say "overkill"? Wow.

  4. Often times by the time the Tooth Fairy gets to the Metro Detroit area, she is plum tuckered out and has been unable to stop on the expected night. She has left notes at our house as well, usually to explain the hold up in her busy schedule. When this happens, there is typically an extra dollar to make up for the mishap. ;)

  5. It is the "little mouse" that collects tooth in France. She doesn't leave notes but a coin usually.


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