
Friday, September 2, 2011

Mackinac Moments

The kids and I were lucky enough to get to enjoy this lovely evening with some good friends. Oh yes, and ice cream; my daughter insists that I include the part about the ice cream.

On nights like this one - with friends, a cool breeze coming off the lake, and a beautiful sky, I just can't imagine being anywhere else...


  1. Enjoy that cool breeze - it is STIFLING down here, lol! Beautiful picture, Liz.

  2. looks like a piece of heaven on earth...enjoy! Have a great weekend before the start of school!

  3. Oh Liz, that is such a beautiful and peaceful picture. Can't wait to get there next week. And I'm with your daughter....we must not forget about the ice cream! :) Have a great Labor Day!

  4. what a lovely spot. i'm it a sun rise?...or a sunset?...beautiful regardless :)


  5. Lovely... I so enjoy your Mackinac posts. What a beautiful place to live. Hope all is well with you. xx :)


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