
Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Yesterday was the rare kind of day that makes
Mackinac Island feel isolated.

No ice.
No boats.
No planes.

Just fog
and quiet.

The mainland might as well
be a million miles away...


  1. I feel that way when we have the big storms and the ferries and the planes all stop. Then I realize that no matter how big, we're still on an island.

  2. Too funny - I just picked up a murder mystery set in Mackinac Island. Can't wait to read it!

  3. It looks kind of peaceful from the photo but I imagine it's hard to get where you are trying to go with such dense fog. Hope the fog lifts today and that you have a lovely Wednesday!!

  4. Wow, hardly looks like spring for you right now. Beautiful still....

  5. I would like to spend a year on the island. I think it would be theraputic. :) Love reading about Island life!

  6. Some days I dream of moving to an island like yours, away from the busy Bay Area.

    Enjoy the isolation.

  7. Michell from the "thumb" of MIMarch 27, 2011 at 8:29 PM

    Hi Liz, I am a lurker on your blog and I love it! Great picture also! Question~ I am a hairdresser and I was wondering is there a salon on the Island during the winter that is open? I always wondered that. Thanks so much!

  8. Hi Michelle,

    There are actually three salons. Two are owned by one company - 7th Heaven. They have a salon at Mission Point Resort and one beneath the Gate House restaurant. The Grand Hotel also has a salon.

    7th Heaven below the Gate House stays open all winter.

  9. Oh, that type of isolation sounds about perfect to me right now. I so miss living on an Island!


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