
Sunday, January 23, 2011


The first group of islanders crossed the ice this morning, driving the three or so miles from Mackinac Island to St. Ignace. They went slowly and stopped to spud as they went - finding between three and five inches of ice. (Actually, I'm not sure if they drove or if they walked.) And while I am certainly not ready to hop on my machine and head for the mainland tonight, I would be dishonest if I said I that the prospect of an ice bridge doesn't excite me.

I know it sounds crazy to drive across a lake, but if you don't live on an island, you probably don't really get it. I don't mean that in a rude way at all, it's just that most people don't live their lives tied to a schedule like we do. And I mean tied! In the summer it's the boat schedule; miss that last boat and you're not going home. In the winter it is the plane schedule; miss that last flight and it will cost you some bucks to schedule later one. When we have good ice it's the only time we're able to come and go whenever we choose, and that's a beautiful thing...

I took the above photo back in 2009. I crossed quite a few times in 2009, 2008, and in the years before I started blogging, but the ice was iffy last year so I don't think I crossed. I know lots of people are curious about the ice so I'll do my best to keep you posted...


  1. Being on the milder coast I don't have to use ice, but I do understand having your life tied to the schedules of ferries. We don't leave our big island very often (like, less than once a year) but going to any of the smaller islands and wanting to get off requires careful planning.
    And almost everyone on the big island has missed the 10pm ferry out of Vancouver at least once and had to sleep over on the mainland at least once!

  2. I am so excited for you at the prospect of the ice bridge. I remember many good times that involved that ice bridge. I hope it is solid soon for all of you to get some freedom.

  3. Liz,

    Glad I found your blog. I was recently wondering if any Mackinac Island residents kept a blog. What do you know, a little research and your blog shows up.



  4. Liz, someday I am going to arrive on your doorstep with my entire crew in tow. We are all so enthralled with your island, I even have my teenage boys reading your blog (they'll never admit it). Thanks for the ice posts and all manner of Mackinac trivia. We love it!

  5. Thanks for the blog. I have been a lurker for a couple of months, but got so excited about the ice bridge I had to write. As a troll who love the UP is there anyway to safely cross the ice bridge? Just a thought. I have been there every summer for almost 50 years and would love to cross and visit during the winter.

  6. Hi Liz! Thanks so much for responding to my question on Brees blog! I am a lurker on your blog and I guess I should of asked you! I think its awesome that you live on the Island!! I do love your blog also!! Michelle

  7. Thanks for the blog! I just ran across it today and since I am a homesick Michigander (transplanted in Indiana) it was a breathe of fresh air! I still try to get to the island at least once per summer (but sometimes as many as 3 visits per summer). It just isn't a summer without seeing "my island". My daughter wants to move to Mackinac Island so your blog is an inspiration. Thanks!

  8. I'm glad there is an ice bridge this year - to make it easier (and cheaper) to cross over and back on your own time frame.
    Happy Wednesday!!

  9. When I first heard of an ice bridge, I thought it meant the bridge got ice on its structure...hahaha Silly main lander, that's me!

    I visited Mac Island last fall for the first time and really enjoyed my visit there.

    Since then, I've been checking in on the various web cams and in my searching, came across your blog.

    Living on the island is really intriguing to me. Thanks for the interesting read. I'll be back!


  10. Hi Liz! Just discovered your blog and have had so much fun going through it. Life sure seems like an adventure on Mackinac. I have visited for the past several summers, and last year got a chance to head to your beautiful island in the fall. Here's hoping I get a chance to visit during the winter months soon, as well! Thanks for sharing....your blog is wonderful, and your family is beautiful!

    Elizabeth in Wisconsin

  11. Praying for your mom's safety.


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