
Wednesday, January 12, 2011


When my daughter was nine months old she spent three days in the hospital on IV antibiotics for a really bad urinary tract infection. That began our year and a half long battle with recurrent UTIs that included catheters, kidney ultrasounds, time at DeVoss Children's Hospital with a pediatric nephrologist, and finally daily doses of antibiotics. We were assured that these things usually clear up when a child was potty trained and three months after my daughter's second birthday, when she was only wearing diapers at night, she stopped taking the medication. We held our breath and hoped she wouldn't get another UTI. Thankfully she was fine.

And she stayed fine. We had to revisit the hospital each summer for an annual kidney ultrasound just to make sure her kidneys we growing normally. Which they were, so this past summer she didn't need to be checked. Which was nice, because it was the first summer of her life that she didn't set foot in a hospital. (Some of you may remember our hospital visit of 2009.)

Yesterday, after peeing four times in three hours and complaining that it hurt and the subsequent visit to Medical Center that afternoon, she has been diagnosed with another urinary tract infection.

So now it is back on antibiotics, the pediatric nephrologist's office gets a call and we go from there...


  1. As someone who suffers from hemorrhagic cystitis (very nasty infections) I truly sympathize with your daughter. Bladder issues are not something fun for anyone, let alone a child. :(

  2. oh Liz, so sorry!! I've only had one in my 41 years...can't imagine what your kiddo is going thru! Hugs to her! ;)

  3. Oh no....I used to get these all the time - Liz, when she's old enough, have her take cranberry pills. You can get them at the health food store. Cranberry juice is ok, although it has sugar in it which can make the problem worse. Poor little thing!

  4. Hoping/praying she heals quickly and they can get this horrible issue resolved. Will you have to come back to G.R./DeVos to see the nephrologist? I'm only 20 min. away...if you guys need anything while here let me know! Sending hugs and prayers!!!

  5. Oh Liz, I'm so sorry to hear this news! I hope she is on the mend soon!

  6. Liz, I will be keeping your little sweetie pie, and you in my prayers!

  7. Poor baby, that is awful. My baby had that problem when she was young. I can't remember her exact age because she is now 27, but after she came off the antibiotics, we did have a couple times that she went back on them for a short period of time. I will pray for her (and Mom).

  8. Poor girl! I really feel bad for her. Hope she will feel better soon!

  9. Oh, how horrible. I hope she is already feeling better and it was just a one off.

  10. Hey Liz, how the babe doing this week?


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